Ese delgado pedazo de plástico que nos separa de la realidad...

Sunday, November 06, 2005

"The star who used to call herself Chela"

There is a star...just in front my closed eyes..
and i tried
to get into her eyes...

but she turned around.

Let me assure
that i gave the star for lost...
i walked for a mile or two..just thinking..or kicking rocks...
(¿isnt that the same?)...

but i came across those eyes...

and i told her...
-"i dont know...
if i love you...
but im pretty sure
that i want you.."-
then i left.
now that i am up this mountain...
..(blue and white...thin air, high hopes)..
..i am still not sure if i love her...
that is why i tried to ask my heart...
but my heart isnt here...
a pa'l once told me...
..(i believe her name was sea)..

-"your heart will stay...wherever it wants"- she said...and left riding some pinguins.

-so my heart is with the star...-i thought to myself.
..and that is why i am happy now..

at least a part of me will enjoy her eyes.

and if you see my heart around....
please ask it..if i really love her...
and by the way ask her...
if she really loves me.

so i would know,
if the star was also trying to get into my eyes.
----------------------------(or make a mask)-------------------------------


Blogger Feju said...

la recibí...y redescubrí que se siente muy bien recibir una carta de un ser tan escurridizo como usted..ya le respondo en el privado.

07 November, 2005

Blogger lucian de silenttio said...

no sé ingles, pero la parecer esta bueno.

10 November, 2005

Blogger Feju said... querés te mando una traducción..(digan pues..ahora se hace el pendejo..digan pues!!)

14 November, 2005

Blogger Feju said...

hum?..uere is "quiembrich"..from tarijabrich necst dor???
pvvfzh..ya no puedo más...maldita verificación..creo que la voy a cortar pronto.

17 November, 2005


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